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Thai-tea-images1Crimson Spice Iced Tea – Ingredients:
1 cup (80g) Crimson Spice tea mix (Tea Range brand).
4 cups (950ml) Water
3/4 cup (150g) Sugar or sweetener of choice.
Half and Half Coffee cream (or substitutes like coconut milk, whole milk, sweetened condensed milk or nut milk)
ice cubes



Brewing directions:
Bring water to boil and add the Crimson Spice tea mix. Add sugar and gently stir to completely dissolve sugar. Gently boil tea for about 3 minutes. Remove from heat.
Allow tea to steep for at least 30 minutes, let cool.
Strain the tea leaves and aside to cool, keep in fridge until serving.

Now the magic begins:
Fill glasses with ice and pour tea to about 3/4 of glass. Then top off with half and half or substitutes. Stir and enjoy.

Crimson Spice Tea Mix Ingredients:
Black tea, star anise, ground tamarind, cardamom and/or other spices, to taste (optional)